You have prepared a new website for your company. You spent many days on the design. You have agreed in a design that will make everyone happy. But you realized that your beautiful website is not as fast as you need.
Well, did you know that Google has been obsessed with site speed since 2010? Or, within the scope of the Google Mobile First Index, the speed of the page is among the top listing criteria (description of Google Employee Gary Illyes).
How fast is my site according to Google?
In the past, it was difficult to diagnose problems that caused websites to run slower than they should. Likewise, how fast search engines see your site. The Google speed test, which has been available to users for several years, has become a clear reference point for both questions.
The important thing now is not how fast your site is compared to different measurement sites like tools.pingdom or gtmetrix, but how fast your website is according to Google.
What is the Google speed test ie PageSpeed Insight?
PageSpeed Insight, which we can define as a Google speed test tool, is an analysis tool that indicates how fast your site is opened according to Google. Moreover, since it lists the problems, it gives you a road map for a faster website. In their own words, PageSpeed Insights measures the performance of a page for mobile and desktop devices.
PageSpeed scores are between 0 and 100 points. The higher the score, the better the speed; A score of 85 and above indicates that the page is performing well. It is very simple to use. Let’s review one of Google’s own sites in the Google speed test. He says it already, the result is tragicomic!
Let’s go to the PageSpeed Insight site, write “https://developers.google.com” in the box that comes up and press the “Analyze” button.

How to Speed Up Website?
In order to provide a good customer experience, we will recommend you 4 tips:
Absolutely compress your pictures, one of the most common mistakes we see when analyzing websites is huge picture sizes. Visuality is important, but believe site speed is more important!
Be sure to use the browser cache. The browser cache is a tool that allows you to save a significant distance on speed with a little effort. It is an effective method to “remember” the pre-loaded resources to users, as a user will restart the whole process every time to load any of your web pages. So when the visitor goes to a new page on your site, all your data, such as your logos and footers, doesn’t need to be reloaded.
Shrink your HTML. Minimizing the footprint of HTML codes is a scary method to get a good score from Google. What we mean by minimizing is removing or fixing unnecessary data without affecting how a browser handles HTML.
For even more effective results, use AMP especially for landing pages that you will advertise. AMP is an acronym for Accelerated Mobile Pages, that is, Accelerated Mobile Pages. Or in other words, it is a project implemented by Google to help mobile pages load faster. It works by creating an open source form that eliminates unnecessary content and allows your mobile pages to load almost instantly.
If you are unsure about what to do as a result of the Google speed test or if you want to deliver your website to professional hands, we will welcome you to our office as Magna Agency!
You can go back to our SEO category or take a look at the recommendations that Google suggests to get the right link structure on a site.